Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

I love Christmas.  Even into my 20s I would have a hard time falling asleep on Christmas Eve because I felt giddy about the holiday.  I can sleep now, but I still get excited about the season.  In the Midwest there really isn't much else to live for during the shortest days of the year.  In suburban Minneapolis, the malls and adjacent city streets really do it up right.  I am smacked in the face with Christmas cheer from every direction. Our school office is probably offending someone right now with it's blatant Christian festiveness.  I love it all!

I made a lot of my gifts this year, so I've been busy these past 6 weeks either baking, sewing or knitting.  Too busy to drop a line on my blog.  But I have been diligently photographing my merrymaking.  I have also been a teensy bit addicted to Pinterest this holiday.  Hence the craftiness.

We chopped down a tree!
Homemade banana bread in a mason jar 

Rolo chocolate chip cookies

Sock snowmen

Our tree!
 I am most proud of the banana bread in a mason jar, these were a big hit and super easy.  They are the one thing that actually turned out almost as good as the pinterest picture.

In his bid for husband of the year, Nick made my stocking for work.  We were "encouraged" to make stockings for work!

They are probably not worthy of Martha Stewart, but our gingerbread men cookies were delicious!  Callah ate more of the dough than I think is probably healthy or normal, but we had a good time. 

I think the weeks leading up to Christmas were a joyous time at our house!  I need to remember to keep the projects and the fun throughout the winter to keep our spirits up.

Merry Chritsmas to all!

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