Here are a few thoughts on successful living in a cozy house.
1.) Use adjectives like cozy when describing your home.
2.) If at all possible love the people you live with.
3.) If #2 is not possible invest in a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, even if you do love the people you live with these might come in handy if you have a colicky baby.
4.) Marry an architect (or hire a good contractor). Make the most out of every space. Build out your closets, hang shelves everywhere, invest in furniture that double as storage.
5.) Chose furniture wisely. Keep the size of your room in mind. My husband is a little crazy, I think this a lot, but I do not regret laying newspaper on the floor to map out the sofa, we ended up with the perfect size.
6.) Bins and baskets. My husband doesn't love the look, so most of them are tucked away in closets. But I keep sane by bins and those fabulous hanging closet organizers from Ikea.
7.) Enjoy it. I love hearing my husband work in the dining room when I'm nursing Callah to sleep each night.
All that said,
8.) Dream about the day you will move into a bigger home.