Monday, May 28, 2012
Joined at the Heart
Then I realized that in fact it was Callah's toenails that had been clipped, and you guessed it, Callah's hands were given lotion. God knows the last time I groomed myself. After giving birth and breast feeding for any length of time the line between my body and my baby's starts to blur. A newborn child has demands on you that are unlike any deadline or expectation ever before. And people, my toenails are paying the price.
For my, ugh, 32nd birthday that is around the corner I have requested a guilt-free afternoon (mostly spent with my wonderful family, but an hour to myself and a man with a pumis stone and some red nailpolish). I think we'll all be happier for it.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Puppy Love
Z lives on a comfy bed in front of the fireplace and when Callah and I return home from the babysitters in the afternoon, I swear I hear the dog sigh as she scoots upstairs and under our bed.
This afternoon I watch, bemused, as Callah attempts in her awkward motion stage to catch the dog. Callah can pretty much only roll, and she sets her sights on the black fur, and rolls. She is so intent in her purpose that she doesn't notice that Zadora has taken her toys and moved. Not deterred Callah will recalibrate her GPS and set off, occasionally taking a break from this exhausting work by laying face down on her blanket.
I see Callah dangerously close to becoming more efficient in her mobility, and I just hope Z can find some new hiding places.
*Why the puppy and newborn pictures you ask? Well, who can stay mad at a rambunctious puppy or a willful baby when you have these memories? I mean look at Z her ears are as big as her body. She (was) so cute! And Callah, well, need I really say anything. The girl is adorable.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Living Large in a Small House
Here are a few thoughts on successful living in a cozy house.
1.) Use adjectives like cozy when describing your home.
2.) If at all possible love the people you live with.
3.) If #2 is not possible invest in a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, even if you do love the people you live with these might come in handy if you have a colicky baby.
4.) Marry an architect (or hire a good contractor). Make the most out of every space. Build out your closets, hang shelves everywhere, invest in furniture that double as storage.
5.) Chose furniture wisely. Keep the size of your room in mind. My husband is a little crazy, I think this a lot, but I do not regret laying newspaper on the floor to map out the sofa, we ended up with the perfect size.
6.) Bins and baskets. My husband doesn't love the look, so most of them are tucked away in closets. But I keep sane by bins and those fabulous hanging closet organizers from Ikea.
7.) Enjoy it. I love hearing my husband work in the dining room when I'm nursing Callah to sleep each night.
All that said,
8.) Dream about the day you will move into a bigger home.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Parenting Tip #1: Buy an Air Mattress

Friday, April 20, 2012
Dope-lessly Optimistic
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Calm at the End of the Day

The moments as she kicks and squirms her way to sleep are my favorite of each day. She nurses and I watch her fingers falter around the pages of my book or grasp my pen, her eyelids flutter open and close, her chubby legs cross and uncross kicking furiously. Slowly her body relaxes into even breaths, her arms and legs fall still. Some nights I read, write, or more often fall asleep-content and calm holding Callah in my arms.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
To Blog or Not to Blog

Over the years I’ve started and promptly quit about half a dozen blogs. Just as I breezed through hair colors, boyfriends, and jobs in my teens and early 20s, the allure of a blog has more than once pulled me in so far as I’ve picked out colors, layouts and fonts, but for some reason (time? energy? passion?) I’ve left the blog at the alter, our relationship unconsummated.
It wasn’t until I spent a half hour perusing my Facebook page, smiling over pictures of my daughter as a newborn and posts between family and friends, that it occurred to me I needed to blog- not for myself, not for the edification of the world, but simply to secure my family memories. To put pictures, words, and video in one secure place for grandma to check in and my daughter to look at when she’s older is, to me, brilliant. So here goes.
I blog.
Really, how could I not document the lives of this little family?